Sunday, January 13, 2008

Snow Globe

I wish Miami got snow every once in a while. We'd get to see Ted Ginn kick up about 20 pounds of snow just trying to get traction on a kick return. Unfortunately, they're guaranteed to not play in January for about the next 80 years.


Photos link to player pages.

**ONLINE HOST** You have entered the Packers vs. Seahawks chatroom.

AgeBeFavreBeauty: hey whippersnappers lookie here

AgeBeFavreBeauty: weve got ourselves a good ol snow bowl

Taken4Grant_ed: yaaaay

Taken4Grant_ed: /frolicks

Taken4Grant_ed: /freezes into packer popsicle

AgeBeFavreBeauty: heh heh heh, yer slimy seahawks are in a whole world of white pain, aren’t yer

CapitalOne_NoHasselCard: ITS NOT RAINING


CapitalOne_NoHasselCard: /has allergic reaction to snow on bald spot

CapitalOne_NoHasselCard: son of a starbucks, youll pay for this

AgeBeFavreBeauty: oh no we wont, and I say that honestly like good ol mr Abe Lincoln

AgeBeFavreBeauty: who incidentally was in my high school yearbook

AgeBeFavreBeauty: the class before me if i remember correctly

Designated_Driver: hey bret hit me i’m open!

AgeBeFavreBeauty: /pelts Designated_Driver with snowball

AgeBeFavreBeauty: /accurately

AgeBeFavreBeauty: aw screw yer donald, i’m hittin greg jennings today, yer knew that

Next_Jen: /catches 2 touchdowns

AlexanderTheNotSoGreat: /moans on ground

**ONLINE HOST** TDPartaaayyy has entered the room.

TDPartaaayyy: hey why aint i in on all this celebration

TDPartaaayyy: /attempts lambeau-style leap

TDPartaaayyy: aw shit

**ONLINE HOST** You have entered the Colts vs. Chargers chatroom.

DaiNiaNewOffensiveCoordinator: /flips down visor

SuperManning_dat_ho: WHERED HE GO

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