Al Davis, because he'd get Bill Romanowski to fight for him.
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**ONLINE HOST** You have entered the Raiders Weekly Gameplan chatroom.

GeriALtric: Ok coacheszzz, here is our gameplan for the weekszzz.

GeriALtric: /snores

GeriALtric: As you know, we play on Sunday against the Tennessee Oilerszzz

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: Actually we’re playing the Broncos, the Oilers became the Titans about 10 years ago

GeriALtric: Quiet, you young whippersnapperszzz, I can’t hear myself think

GeriALtric: Our objective this week will be to throw the ball to Randy Mosszzz

GeriALtric: For a few touchdownszzzzzzzzzz

GeriALtric: /falls asleep
**ONLINE HOST** Two hours later…

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: er three questions here

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: One, should I wake him up?

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: Two, isn’t randy moss on the patriots now?

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: Three, shouldn't Mr. Davis have died about 30 years ago?

JamarcusRussellTerrier: yes coach, ABSOLUTELY right

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: Uh for which question?

JamarcusRussellTerrier: absolutely coach, 110% behind you here

JamarcusRussellTerrier: whatever you do, it won’t change our relationship one bit

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: What in the world is he on about? Has he been taking pot from Ricky Williams?

SappyRomanceNovel: no hes been groveling and sucking up to you all week so he can earn the starting job

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: Oh

SappyRomanceNovel: you might have to consider making him qb

SappyRomanceNovel: Daunte Culpepper just hasnt been himself lately

HotSalt_n_Culpepper: /scrambles out of pocket

HotSalt_n_Culpepper: /throws interception

SappyRomanceNovel: oh never mind i guess he has been himself

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: What in the hell am I gonna do?

GeriALtric: /wakes up

GeriALtric: Never fear, faithful Raiderszzz

GeriALtric: We have a commitment to excellencszzz

GeriALtric: All we need is some motivation for our playerszzz

GeriALtric: As you youngunszzz say, “I’ve got it covered”

Porterbello: im pretty sure that phrase was created in about 1873

GeriALtric: I have found someone to make you fellowszzz fiery and furiouszzz

GeriALtric: /passes out
/creates head-shaped indentation in table

YouveBeenKiffinTheNuts: Oh god, I wonder who the motivation is

Ert_Gallery: ooh ooh I hope it’s a hot playboy playmate for me to blow more of my first-round draft pick money on

Porterbello: nah its probably just a World War I pamphlet with drool on it
**ONLINE HOST** The earth has started quaking, playbooks have fallen off the table.

Porterbello: ok, im pretty sure my guess is wrong
**ONLINE HOST** The door to Raiders Headquarters has been blown wide open, leaving a 78-foot crack in the wall.
**ONLINE HOST** MyChemicalRomanowski has rumbled into the chatroom.


MyChemicalRomanowski: /munches steroids


SappyRomanceNovel: EEK

SappyRomanceNovel: /inhales hamburger in fear