**ONLINE HOST** You have entered the NFL penitentiary.

OffFieldIncident: hey pass me some cheetos, this tv is hella boring

OffFieldIncident: the screen is fuckin grayer than jon maddens underwear

ConVickted: /passes lone cheeto

ConVickted: dude youre lookin at the fuckin wall

OffFieldIncident: ....shit

OffFieldIncident: well i still ratha watch that than Monday Night Football

ConVickted: u gonna eat that cheeto or not?

OffFieldIncident: /takes bite

OffFieldIncident: dude what the fuck this thing is stale

OffFieldIncident: it tastes like mofuckin optimus primes dick
**ONLINE HOST** Hours pass by silently, broken up only by the occasional masturbation noises.

OffFieldIncident: man im sick of this shit, i need to bust out of here so i can get some sun chips

TankTop: hey try this i took this shit from some 5 year old in a fight in detroit
**ONLINE HOST** Calvin4nication has entered the room.

Calvin4nication: WAAAAAAH

Calvin4nication: MY DUPLICATOR

Calvin4nication: /tweaks back
**ONLINE HOST** Calvin4nication has left the room.

OffFieldIncident: aight here goes nothin

OffFieldIncident: /climbs into cardboard box

Duplicator: /whirrs, beeps
**ONLINE HOST** OffFieldIncident has been spat back into the room.

OffFieldIncident: did it work
**ONLINE HOST** OffFieldIncident2 has been spat back into the room.

OffFieldIncident2: did it work

ConVickted: jeezus christ this is like that time I tried mating a chinese hairless and a shitzu

OffFieldIncident2: whadyu call it

ConVickted: ...Al Michaels
**ONLINE HOST** Silence fills the room.

OffFieldIncident2: aight im done with these bad puns an shit im bustin outa here for some pringles and a slurpee

OffFieldIncident2: /crashes through window
**ONLINE HOST** Police cars have surrounded OffFieldIncident2.

Commish_Is_Wise: Chris Henry, I have suspended you for 4 games for...

Commish_Is_Wise: /large unnecessary gestures

Commish_Is_Wise: /waves arms motioning "incomplete"

Commish_Is_Wise: INJECTING

OffFieldIncident: who, me?

OffFieldIncident2: who, me?

Commish_Is_Wise: Er

Commish_Is_Wise: Which one of you guys is chris henry

OffFieldIncident: him

OffFieldIncident2: him

Commish_Is_Wise: Goddamn

Commish_Is_Wise: I must have swigged a few too many coors lights at the league office last night.

TankTop: /creeps out of jail cell to practice squad

LittleWhiteLi: commish is wise

Commish_Is_Wise: AMEN
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