This one goes out to any weed junkie who drags their friend into their car to drive while they get high, then their friend's clothes smell like shit and the wrong person gets busted by the sheriff. For not giving the sheriff any weed.
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WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: hey man so I just got Guitar Hero 3 for my 360

AGinnAndAGinn: lol no way man how good are you

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: well you know

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: I hold my own on medium on “paint it black” by the rolling stones

AGinnAndAGinn: oh wow dude the best I can do is like a 13% on easy

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: lol well thats cuz you play guitar hero like you play kickoff returns

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: you see everything coming 5 seconds before they happen

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: you played the solo for “number of the beast” when we were still on the chorus of “paranoid”

AGinnAndAGinn: HEY iron maiden owns black sabbath any day, I was improving the song

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: /laughs innocently

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: /drinks fanta
**ONLINE HOST** Reefer_Rick has entered the chat.

Reefer_Rick: Hey, kids

AGinnAndAGinn: …er, hey?

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: DONT TALK TO HIM

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: mommy always told me I shouldnt talk to strangers

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: they could like, use us for sensual pleasure or something

AGinnAndAGinn: no dude youre thinking of steven jackson

Reefer_Rick: Have you kids heard of Marijuana? It’s a magical thing

Harold_and_Camar: Oh yea maing I thing I hurr that somewheres

Harold_and_Camar: Yea mi padre was like “ju wanna marry me?” and mi
mama say “Yea I wanna-marry-ju”

Harold_and_Camar: I don thing mi padres name was ana tho

Reefer_Rick: Lol you kids are more straight-edge than one of Bret Favre’s razors

Reefer_Rick: /hits bong

Reefer_Rick: ahhhhhh, that’s the stuff

Reefer_Rick: NFL-quality pot is some of the best shit on earth

AGinnAndAGinn: oh god wats that smell

AGinnAndAGinn: /covers nose

AGinnAndAGinn: that smells worse than Willis McGahee’s armpit

Reefer_Rick: ohhhhh relax man, nothing like a dose of earthy weed for the daily training regimen

Reefer_Rick: here, take a hit on the house

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: DONT DO IT MAN

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: mommyd never forgive us

AGinnAndAGinn: /takes hit

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: wow youre stupider than Vince Young

AGinnAndAGinn: ohhh god im having visions

AGinnAndAGinn: this cant be real

AGinnAndAGinn: we’re actually WINNING a game

WhenLifeGivesYouCleo: hah wat a joker no were not

Reefer_Rick: hey man I told you that was some dope shit
**ONLINE HOST** WordUpTO_me has entered the room.

WordUpTO_me: getcha pot-corn ready
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