Tuesday, November 27, 2007

One Stronger Than The Safety He Played

Even though The Sideline is meant to be funny, there are times when life is not so funny. We do not mean to offend anyone by this entry, just to enlighten the mood of a very somber event. We offer tribute to a fallen warrior, Sean Taylor. May he rest in peace.

-AKA and Ben

Photos link to player pages.

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: /passes on

**ONLINE HOST** You have entered the Hall O’ Deathlies chatroom.

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: where, where am I?

**ONLINE HOST** AIM is not responding.

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: well I may as well just sit here and wait

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: /interception

**ONLINE HOST** LetsGetReadyToDumble has entered the chatroom out of the mist.

LetsGetReadyToDumble: Sean, you wonderful wonderful boy, come walk with me.

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: er alright then

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: promise me you won’t make me see those pictures you took with Jeff Garcia

LetsGetReadyToDumble: Yes, don’t worry, my magic wand has already cleansed his chamber of secrets

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: oh god

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: too much info

LetsGetReadyToDumble: Anyway, you were a brave man. You gave up your life in sacrifice for the well-being of your family.

LetsGetReadyToDumble: You are not just a football player, you were a role-model.

LetsGetReadyToDumble: You turned around your life, and accepted responsibility.

LetsGetReadyToDumble: Many muggles would have just quit, you carried on.

LetsGetReadyToDumble: Your family is not the only one mourning.

LetsGetReadyToDumble: Hopefully we can all learn from your actions, Sean

LetsGetReadyToDumble: /fades into mist

**ONLINE HOST** LetsGetReadyToDumble has left the chatroom.

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: so where do I go now anyway?

**ONLINE HOST** You have entered Washington Redskins Heaven chatroom.

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: um I haven’t moved

**ONLINE HOST** Yes, you are in sort of a limbo.

**ONLINE HOST** The Redskins were never great or horrible, just sort of…mediocre.

**ONLINE HOST** You will float in mist for eternity unless they stop finishing 7-9 and trading 4th round draft picks for backup offensive linemen.

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: aw poop

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: I wish I was on the raiders

WhatSeanWeDoWithACrunkinTaylor: then I’d have god on my side, at least

**ONLINE HOST** FreemanAlmighty has entered the room.



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